論壇主選單 > ※會員答錄機 > bander / life is short, time is a luxury we shouldn't waste



2010/04/15 00:48
器材: 其他 其他

just like smoke through a key hole,
well, or you can say just like shit through an asshole;

anyway, time passes quickly


6250修改於2010/4/15 上午 12:53:05

推薦者: 舞庚無影, ls3698, 棟樑Harry, 南樂天, d145088, brady_lo, 老頭, 蛋壽司, 馬賽克, Bill, eyehuadr, Josh, wgd, ashine, 林先生, JASON.tn, ㄚ樂, sunprince, 加強版二皮, kent123



521) 2010/04/26 14:23 

原發文者: 舞庚無影 發文時間: 2010/04/26 14:12

but your ass only heals shits, and maybe sometimes blood   making  sense  of  light      my  fl..(恕刪)

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that's my point, religions heal nothing even shit.

Religions of course have some important functions in ur human society,
one of those functions is being helper for weak souls.
I hope believing some stupid stories is not the heal you just mentioned about.


終身 VIP

522) 2010/04/26 14:33 
I don't believe because I have nothing need to be healed by any religion, but I share the public thoughts and respect to some one who need to be healed mentally.
making  sense  of  light    
my  flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagisme/



523) 2010/04/26 14:35 
back to the old time of human history,

religion is such a good and powerful tool to rule people,

emperor and tyrant they love religions much more than others.

having something to believe is fine, basic human needs anyway.

but too much believeing in religions somehow indicates weakness of mind, lack of reason, and poor understanding & philosophy about life.



524) 2010/04/26 14:42 

原發文者: 舞庚無影 發文時間: 2010/04/26 14:33

I don't believe because I have nothing need to be healed by any religion, but I share the public t..(恕刪)

- 請在此輸入回應 -

you have nothing needs to be healed by religion means you heal yourself perhaps.

Inability needs wheel chair. there is no shame in it.
Those weak souls needs religions, there is no shame in it too.

only problem is these weak souls usually can't face their own weakness.
well, frankly speaking again, and simply describing,
it is stupidity and banality.



終身 VIP

525) 2010/04/26 14:53 

your life might have been too easy to understand how poor people have been experiencing.

I have a friend who lost her kid when he at 8, the same year her husband died. She believes god that helps her overcame that difficult time. I don't see the miracles really happen but I believe the religion helps the people who need it, and those religions should not be amused because they are somehow so important and adorable to those who believe in.

making  sense  of  light    
my  flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagisme/



526) 2010/04/26 14:59 

原發文者: 舞庚無影 發文時間: 2010/04/26 14:53

  your life might have been too easy to understand how poor people have been experiencing. ..(恕刪)

- 請在此輸入回應 -


Inability needs wheel chair. there is no shame in it.
Those weak souls needs religions, also there is no shame in it.

There were/are more and more and more people , who had much much more difficult time than your friend , never needed religions.


終身 VIP

527) 2010/04/26 15:03 
and that wasn't my point because I don't care who believe or not, if you can read what I said above.
making  sense  of  light    
my  flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagisme/



528) 2010/04/26 15:08 
religion is somehow a common human need. It is a simple truth.

Religion helps poor people. good.
but it is not the only way and not a very good way to face life when it's brutal.

Indicators about evolution of mind in different intelligent species,
needless to say, religion is one of those indicators.


終身 VIP

529) 2010/04/26 15:17 
原發文者: 發電廠 發文時間: 2010/04/26 13:12
來去換輪胎 從225/50-17變回215/55 有夠濕氣的啦 

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推薦者: Josh



530) 2010/04/26 15:20 
very glad to discuss something with you here.

and it's about time to have another coffee and a sandwich now,
apparently we don't get much time for being here,
body is a temporary landing gear for aliens with some short time stay in earth that's a bloody cruel truth.

so please allow me to play my stuff in the kitchen,
always remember, time is not a luxury we should waste.



531) 2010/04/26 15:26 
btw, if time is a river , books are ships.

very few history comes to now in this river via books as ships ( maybe little lovely boats )

some of them are wrong.


終身 VIP

532) 2010/04/26 15:32 
I had cooked mine
making  sense  of  light    
my  flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagisme/


終身 VIP

533) 2010/04/26 15:45 

CAMRY heals everything but shit!


推薦者: ashine


終身 VIP

534) 2010/04/26 15:48 
原發文者: 50x125 發文時間: 2010/04/26 15:26
( maybe little lovely boats ).....(恕刪)

- 請在此輸入回應 -





終身 VIP

535) 2010/04/26 15:59 


making  sense  of  light    
my  flickr:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagisme/



536) 2010/04/26 16:08 

原發文者: 發電廠 發文時間: 2010/04/26 15:48

    - 請在此輸入回應 -       我對這比較有興趣,有照片嗎?          

- 請在此輸入回應 -

well, for an amateur like you, maybe you can start from this;

this is really a nice lovely little boat.

french & english & chinese & different translated version,

I got 12 copies of this lovely little boat


終身 VIP

537) 2010/04/26 16:11 
原發文者: 50x125 發文時間: 2010/04/26 16:08
- 請在此輸入回應 - well, for an amateur like you, maybe you can start from this; this i..(恕刪)

- 請在此輸入回應 -


No ladies?




538) 2010/04/26 16:17 

原發文者: 發電廠 發文時間: 2010/04/26 16:11

    - 請在此輸入回應 -       No ladies?          

- 請在此輸入回應 -

forget the ladies, go straight to the outsider.


終身 VIP

539) 2010/04/26 16:18 
原發文者: 50x125 發文時間: 2010/04/26 16:17
- 請在此輸入回應 - forget the ladies, go straight to the outsider.

- 請在此輸入回應 -


It is noy my boat.

Thank you and bye.

推薦者: ashine



540) 2010/04/26 16:22 

原發文者: 發電廠 發文時間: 2010/04/26 16:18

    - 請在此輸入回應 -       It is noy my boat.   Thank you and bye.      

- 請在此輸入回應 -

x http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100426/78/24jmm.html .

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